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Masters in Speech-Language Pathology

Supports both the Critical Thinking/Evidence-based Practice and Research Methods courses.


Library databases are helpful for finding peer-reviewed articles within a specific discipline. Many databases also contain other types of sources, such as news articles and book chapters. 

You will find the complete set of SAU Library's databases at the A-Z Database list. Best bets for library research in Speech-Language Pathology are listed below.

ASHA Wire: Searching Vs. Full-Text Access

ASHA Wire provides a search interface for four Speech-Language Pathology journals and Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interests Groups. To access the full text of articles in these publications, you can use library databases available at SAU. See the options below for how to do this!


Option 1: Often, you can paste the title of a specific article into the general search bar in Library Central to find what databases have the full text available.  

Option 2: Search for the publication name using the Journal Search feature in Library Central. The link under "View Online" will take you to the specific database that provides full text access to that publication.

Option 3: Use the information below to find what specific database to search in to find the specific article title.


American Journal of Audiology

American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology

Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research

Language, Speech, & Hearing Services in Schools 

Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Group

Google Scholar

Use the Settings -- Library Links feature to identify Google Scholar articles that are full-text in SAU Library collections.