Library Reference Desk
(563)-333-6245 /
Speech-Language Pathology Librarian
Alison Tollas
(563)-333-6244 /
SAU Library Website
Welcome Speech-Language Pathology students! This guide provides access to key resources at SAU Library for finding and citing sources. It also contains information about the PICO research process and ethical image use.
To access the full library website, visit
At SAU, we have a librarian that specializes in helping Speech-Language Pathology students. She is:
Please don't hesitate to contact the library if you have any questions about using library resources, finding sources, or citing sources! The box on the left-hand side of each page provides contact information for the Library Reference Desk and a chat box you can use to speak directly with a librarian.
Interlibrary Loan is a free service that students can use to request articles, books, and videos that are not available at SAU Library.
If you want to use a source that you do not have access to, use the Interlibrary Loan Form to request it. Requested articles and book chapters are sent to students through email, and requested books and DVDs are sent to the Circulation Desk on the first floor of the library.