Most standard productions are now free for SAU students, faculty, and staff!
Types of productions offered by Media Services include:
3D Printing
Large Format Printing
Comb Binding
Button Making
In order to ensure we can maintain our supplies and fulfill production requests in a timely manner, a supply fee will still be charged for bulk orders which can be paid for by cash, check, or (if your department is covering the cost) department account number. Please see the table below for what constitutes a bulk order for different productions.
Binding: Plastic comb binding and covers available for a nominal charge. Please provide all collated copies.
Lamination: Charged per linear foot. Please provide all copies, documents, or items.
Large Format Printing: Charged per square foot of printed material. If your entire class will be printing, please provide advance notice for processing.
Foam Board Poster Mounting: Custom foam board posters can be made with either a matte paper front or a glossy laminated front. A limited amount of lamination-friendly foam board is available; please see the Head of Media Services for more information.
3D Printing: Charged per gram of filament. Please provide an .STL file for printing. Please contact Media Services for assistance in creating or finding 3D files for printing. Available colors are listed in the 3D Production Request Form.
SAU Library is pleased to offer most productions at no cost. Production orders that exceed the maximum listed below are considered bulk orders and will be charged as listed.
Is there something that you want to make that isn't on this list? Let us know! We may still be able to help.
Item |
Maximum Amount Free |
Supply Fee after Maximum |
CD |
No maximum |
Always free |
4 DVDs |
25¢ per extra DVD |
Dual Layer Blu-ray (50 GB) |
1 Blu-Ray |
$3.50 per extra Blu-Ray |
Laminating |
4 ft of lamination |
25¢ per linear ft |
Binding |
5 items or 200 pages (whichever comes first) |
25¢ per extra item |
Large Format Printing |
1 poster up to 36” x 48” |
$1.00 per sq ft |
3D Printing |
50 g of filament |
5¢ per extra gram |
Buttons |
10 buttons |
10¢ per extra button |
Cricut Materials |
Any amount of 6" x 6" materials (as available) |
Varies by material |
Your first poster (up to 36” x 48” in size) is free! Any posters after that will cost $1.00 per sq ft.
The supply fee is intended to give the Library time to order new supplies and finish existing orders. Production requests submitted within the same week are likely to be considered together as one order, but the Library is not keeping track of production orders submitted during the same month or semester.
Some of our equipment, like the Cricut, button maker, or the comb binding machine are easy to use with your own supplies! You’re welcome to do so, and we don’t charge a fee for using them.
Some supplies are not a good fit for our specific equipment. If you’re not familiar with the equipment, please consult with the Head of Media Services to make sure that you have the right supplies, and get training on how to use it if needed.
Only Library staff are allowed to operate the 3D printer, but if you have 2.85 mm filament, you may be able to have an object printed for you using your own filament at no cost. Please see the 3D printing section for more information.