Monday-Thursday: 7:45AM-10:00PM
Friday: 7:45AM-5:00PM
Saturday: 1:00PM-5:00PM
Sunday: 1:00PM-10:00PM
The IDEAlab is available during normal Library hours. If the door is closed, please see the Reference Desk to be let into the IDEAlab.
Media Services does not provide regular-sized black & white or color printing services. However, there several large-capacity printers on campus that can service your request for as little as .10 cents per copy. Contact the IT Helpdesk at 563-333-6368 for more information.
Only faculty/staff may check out Media Services equipment. However, there are some types of equipment available for student checkout at the circulation desk, and faculty/staff may choose to set aside Media Services equipment for use by students within the library, or may request to check out equipment on behalf of a student. Please note that not all such requests will be granted, and responsibility for the equipment will rest with the faculty/staff member.
Unfortunately, the poster printer is not connected to the print management system. Posters are payable by cash, check, or department transfer code.
Email the media services department with specifics on your request. Please note that we are not able to transfer or copy multimedia that is copyright-protected unless specific, written permission has been obtained from the copyright holder and/or the length of the clip request meets copyright compliance guidelines.
Contact Media Services to schedule a workshop for your students! We can lead your class or structure it to suit your specific assignment requirements.
Media Services is happy to work with you to develop a remote workshop.