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Hot Topics: Euthanasia - Assisted Suicide: Home

A selection of sources concerning legislation and different perspectives around the topic of assisted suicide and euthanasia.

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What is inside the tabs

Law and Legislation:
this tab covers the legal aspects of assisted suicide and euthanasia.

Social Aspects:
this tab covers the ethical, societal and religious views and includes breaking news.

Please note that there are various terms that refer to this concept, such as Euthanasia, 'Right to Die', 'Physician-assisted Suicide' or, simply, 'Assisted Suicide' When you search Ebscohost, ProQuest Central or NexusUni, please be aware that not all journal articles use the same terms.

Definition: euthanasia



  1. the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma. The practice is illegal in most countries.

    Similar: mercy killing, assisted suicide, physician-assisted suicide, right-to-die

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