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THEO 360 Religious Extremism: Home

This guide supports the research project in this course.

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The research assignment Fall 2021

Final Paper on a Modern Christian Extremist-Movement  

  • A 4–5 page paper (plus title page & bibliography) will be submitted to Blackboard by Dec. 10 at 11:59pm. Students will use Chicago formatting, with footnotes that follow SBL Style.

  • Students will examine a modern religious-extremist movement to uncover its connections and disconnects to the history of Christian extremism, and to critique the chosen movement’s reasoning & belief systems.

    • Course Materials from Section 1 will be employed to clarify why the student’s chosen movement is extremist, and to inform the student’s understanding of the group’s motives and actions.

      • What makes the chosen movement extremist, rather than just odd or unusual?

      • Do the members genuinely engage with biblical texts, or are biblical texts bent to fit their agendas/ideologies?

    • Course Materials from Sections 2–4 materials will be used to hold a mirror to the chosen movement. 

      • Does the movement share similar beliefs, behaviors, justifications, or outreach strategies with movements we have covered in class? How is the chosen movement different?

    • Additional researched materials will be used to learn about the chosen movement. Students will spend time in the library using physical print-media and e-databases to learn about their movement and develop a clear thesis. A thesis is the paper’s overall argument: the main point. The entirety of the paper needs to revolve around its thesis.

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