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Shakespeare Resources: Home

This guide leads to all things Shakespeare to support SAU's Theme of the Year 2016-2017 and Shakespeare's 400th anniversary.

Library Central

SAU "Library Central" Subject Headings for Shakespeare

Enter any/each of these into the SAU "Library Central" Advanced Search as a SUBJECT to find books on the shelves for you to peruse.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616   (Enter this as an AUTHOR in the catalog OR as a SUBJECT)

Shakespeare plays

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 -- Symbolism

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 -- Biography

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 -- PLACE NAME OF INDIVIDUAL PLAY HERE

Shakespeare in fiction, drama, poetry, etc.

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 -- Authorship -- Baconian theory

Each play's title may also be entered as a TITLE in the SAU "Library Central" Advanced Search to get the play's text.

Shakespeare Books on the Shelves at the SAU Library

PR 2750 - PR 3112 Third Floor North in the SAU Library.

William Shakespeare

Shakespeare at University of Iowa

Research Articles

Understanding Shakespeare -- SAU users only

Educational Videos on Shakespeare for SAU students and faculty

Good web sites

Reference & Instruction Librarian

Profile Photo
Stella Herzig
Office: Library 124

Need something we don't have?

Have you found the perfect article but don't know if we subscribe to it? Here are some steps you can take.

1. We may have access to the journal in another database. In Library Central, you'll find the Journals A-Z List. From here, you can check a search by journal name and retrieve a comprehensive list of databases in which our journals appear.

2. Try searching for the title of the article in Google Scholar. Any research that makes use of taxpayer funding must be eventually released to the public--you might find an openly available copy of your article. 

3. Using Interlibrary Loan, the library can ask other libraries that subscribe to the journal to send an electronic copy of the article you want. Set up a free user account with your SAU network login to request articles and books. Interlibrary Loan is a service offered to SAU students, faculty & staff only.
