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Hot Topics: Race and Politics in the USA: Institutional/Systemic Racism

This guide covers the history of race and politics in the United States

Selected books

Selected Webpages

Films On Demand: Racialized America


"Over the past decade, social justice movements in the United States have encouraged public school officials and educators to teach students about systemic racism, privilege, gender diversity, and sexual orientation—subject matter that some refer to as “woke.” While some school districts have adopted such policies, some parents, teachers, and community leaders question whether these subjects should be taught in the classroom. Supporters of teaching these subjects in school argue that they make students more socially aware and responsible citizens. Educating America’s youth about historical injustices and topics surrounding race and gender, they contend, helps create a more just and inclusive society. Opponents of teaching these subjects in school argue that they indoctrinate students into learning about certain divisive topics and ideologies their parents may oppose. Educating the nation’s young people on these “woke” issues can polarize students, they contend, and induce guilt, discomfort, and a “victim mentality.” Is wokeness in public schools helping or hurting students?"


Producer: Open to Debate
Copyright Date: © 2024
Run Time: 01:02:21
Language: English

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