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A helpful resource for students taking Biomedical Ethics at SAU.

Recommended Books in the SAU library collection

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Topics for the Assignment

Type in these subject terms one at a time in our SAU databases and book catalog. Choose SUBJECTS in the drop down if you are in the Advanced Search screen. Any titles or articles not full-text nor on SAU  library shelves can be gotten for SAU students and sent to our campus. (See the "Obtaining Materials through Interlibrary Loan" box to the right of this box)



  1. The Hospice Movement
    USE search terms "Hospice Care" OR "End of life care" Or "palliative medicine" OR "hospice movement"
  2. Abuses in the use of psychiatric medication 
    USE "psychiatric Medic*" OR "psychiatric drug*" AND abuse OR abusing
  3. The “malpractice industry”
    USE "malpractice industry OR "Medical liability" OR "medical negligence litigation" OR "wrongful death"
  4. The opioid epidemic
    USE "opioid epidemic" OR opioid crisis" OR "opioid addict*
  5. “Alternative” medicine: how does it challenge some assumptions of “modern” medicine?
    USE "alternative therapies" OR "alternative health facilities" or "alternative health"
  6. Training medical professionals for empathy
    USE JUST (MM "Empathy/TD") in CINAHL database.  Also Empathy AND su("education, medical")
  7. Burnout in the medical professions. The problem with long medical shifts
    USE mh(burnout, professional) in CINAHL database. Also try "compassion fatigue" AND "shift systems"
  8. Structural pitfalls in the U.S. Health Care System
    TRY "racial differences" AND "health care"    Also try mw(Health Resource Allocation Ethical Issues) in CINAHL database
    There are many strands to this topic, ask for help from a librarian.
  9. The COVID crisis
    USE COVID-19 in your first search box,  also try "coronavirus infections" AND limit to 2020 - 2021

    Also see Pandemic Ethics: 8 big questions of COVID-19

ProQuest Central - Free Articles on Web

Library Central

Philosopher's Index for journal articles and eBooks

Atla Religion and Ethics databases

Good Philosophy Websites

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SAU Reference Librarian

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Stella Herzig
Office: Library 124

SAU Journals List

Need something we don't have?

Have you found the perfect article but don't know if we subscribe to it? Here are some steps you can take.

1. We may have access to the journal in another database. In Library Central, you'll find the Journals A-Z List. From here, you can check a search by journal name and retrieve a comprehensive list of databases in which our journals appear.

2. Try searching for the title of the article in Google Scholar. Any research that makes use of taxpayer funding must be eventually released to the public--you might find an openly available copy of your article.

3. Using Interlibrary Loan, the library can ask other libraries that subscribe to the journal to send an electronic copy of the article you want. Set up a free user account with your SAU network login to request articles and books. Interlibrary Loan is a service offered to SAU students, faculty & staff only.

A note to users concerning database searching

If you are not an St. Ambrose University user, your local public library may have access to various databases that are subscription based. Call and ask your public library for details.

Syncing google scholar to your SAU google account

LC Call numbers for Philosophy Books