Use your Bee card to check out books from your SAU Library.
Use the index in the back of the book to find useful pages; scan content chapters.
Due date is end-of-semester.
Need statistics?
Try these sites for good authoritative sources:
Pew Research Center
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Resources on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Freight Sustainability Planning
The Conversation Insight Series:
Curated by professional editors, The Conversation Insight series offers Long-Form journalism, informed commentary and debate on many issues affecting our world including breakthrough technologies..
Other Long-Form journalism sources (magazines):
Click THIS LINK for a book search for SAU Library's most recent books on the subject of Business Ethics
Attitudes and advertising
Advertising campaigns;
Classical conditioning
Sustainability Practices in GreenFile
Sustainability AND practice in ProQuest
College sports in ProQuest
College Sports in Ebscohost
SAU Hot Topic Libguide: Paying College Athletes
subject("Military sales") AND "arms trade"
(use Jstor too - try "Arms sales")
Outsourcing Ebscohost "offshore outsourcing"
subject(Offshoring) AND ethic* ProQuest
offshoring OR outsourcing AND ethic* in Jstor
This background and reference database contains over 4,500 full-text reports on a variety of topics and current affairs. The reports are scholarly and well-referenced, but also quite readable. If you find a report on your topic you will have a great source!
Click on the links below for full-text article search results in Library Central.
Sign in to Library Central (upper right corner) once there for full access facility.
Your librarians at the Reference Desk in the library atrium can look over your in-text and references citations before handing in your paper to your professor. We can also help by email at
or email your Psychology librarian, Stella, at
Please use your SAU email account when emailing us and attach the paper or google share it to that email . Thanks.
If you are not an St. Ambrose University user, your local public library may have access to various databases that are subscription based. Call and ask your public library for details.