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Hot Topics: Peace and Justice: Home

Continuing the long tradition of St. Ambrose in the area of Catholic social teaching and peace and justice issues, the Theology Department and the Philosophy Department sponsor an Interdisciplinary Minor in Peace and Justice.

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Theology/Philosophy Research Librarian

The Librarian is available for individual help as well, as needed.


“Seek peace and pursue it.”- Psalm 34:15

Religion and Ethics Journals Search

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If you are not an St. Ambrose University user, your local public library may have access to various databases that are subscription based. Call and ask your public library for details.

Selected Scholarly Web Sites

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Wednesdays at 8:00pm

Ambrosians for Peace and Justice (APJ) is a group of students who are interested in peace and justice, who learn about Catholic Social Teaching, and who perform service together during the school year.  All are welcome to join!  Contact Campus Ministry at

Other selected titles in World Religions

SAU Reference Librarian

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Stella Herzig
Office: Library 124

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Obtaining sources form other libraries: Interlibrary Loan

SAU Archive and Special Collections

The St. Ambrose University Archives holds many materials on the role that Peace and Social Justice has played in our SAU history.

Some practical resources

Words by Pope Francis

Nor is peace “simply the absence of warfare, based on a precarious balance of power; it is fashioned by efforts
directed day after day towards the establishment of the ordered universe willed by God, with a more perfect
justice among men”