You can find the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Assocation in the Library at BF 76.7.P83 2010, or ask the Librarian at the Reference Desk for assistance. Or try one of the online links below:
Please check the SAU Library webpage for the most up-to-date hours.
Reference Desk 563/333-6245
Email at :
Welcome to the MBA 621 -Human Behavior in Organizations subject guide. Use the links and materials on this guide to find resources and information for your classassignments. Remember that we are here to help. So if you have questions, please feel free to contact me or call the St. Ambrose University Reference Desk (333-6245). Any of the librarians on duty can assist you with your questions.
The SAU Library has resources such as books and online databases which will provide you information about human behavior in organizations and the workplace. Books can be located in the library's catalog. Full-text databases can be accessed here.
We also have resources to help you write your papers in the proper format and to cite your sources correctly. Please let us know if we can be of assistance.