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Theology Capstone Research Resources: Library Resources on Theology

This general guide will provide avenues to general theological research at SAU. Ask a librarian at the SAU Library reference desk for detailed and project-specific help.

If you are off-campus

If you are off-campus and want to access our SAU databases fully as an SAU community member, please go to the SAU portal , navigate to the Library portal page and look on the right side for library links to databases and libguides. Doing it that way will authenticate you as 'on-campus' of a sort. If you need help, contact your librarian at or use the chat box on the HOME tab of this libguide.

Books at the SAU Library

When doing book searches in the links below and if you want more books than what we have on the shelves, remember to search our Partner Libraries for more and different books. It is a button in the advanced search box to the right of the DEFAULT button in Advanced Search SEARCH CRITERIA in Library Central. Be sure to be signed in  to Library Central (upper right corner) to be able to order books from Partner Libraries right through this catalog. Ask a librarian for help, if needed. Books will be available for pick-up at the circ desk in the SAU Library once they have arrived and you can return them here to our building.

Library Central

Websites of Interest

How to sync Google Scholar with SAU Library content

A note to users concerning database searching

If you are not an St. Ambrose University user, your local public library may have access to various databases that are subscription based. Call and ask your public library for details.

ATLA searches for topics

SAU Library Databases

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Stella Herzig
Office: Library 124