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Theatre: Plays and Scripts

A one-stop shop for resources selected to meet the needs of theatre students.

Play Scripts: In Library

Tips to find plays in the SAU Library collection: 

  1. Go to SAU library’s Library Central and sign in using your SAU network credentials (upper right corner of the screen)
  2. Select advanced search (to the right of the orange search button.)
  3. Once on the advanced search screen, type drama into the first box then use the pull down menu to the left to select in subject.
  4. Next to Search Scope use the pull-down menu to the left of the orange search button to select SAU Libraries Only, then click the orange Search button.
  5. Another way to look at play scripts in the collection: in the first search box type the words Dramatists Play Service , then use the pull-down menu to the left of the orange search button to select SAU Libraries Only, then click the orange Search button.
  6. You may also search by author or play title, if kown.  

Here are a few of the play scripts that are in the Library's collection.

Play Scripts: Online

Looking for a one-act play?