Here is a sample search to try in Google to find good, authoritative web sources that are suitable for college-level research. Once you run this search, feel free to add your own search terms and remove those that are not relevant to your search. Please notice that the search is constrained to .edu sites. This will limit the amount of results that may not be scholarly enough for this project. An advantage of using this advanced search is that you will find sources that will provide general or background information on your topic as well as documents that will show generational differences.
Here is a sample search to try in Google Scholar to find good sources for this project. Once you run this search, feel free to add your own search terms and remove those that are not relevant to your search. Google Scholar is great because it is easy to search and will return a large result set. If the article you like is not in full text, copy and paste the title into a Library Central search to see if SAU Library has your article in full-text in one or more subscription databases. If not, no worries, you can use Interlibrary Loan.