You will find all of SAU Library's databases at You will find SAU's occupational therapy-specific databases below:
This nursing database from EBSCO contains nearly 1,600 full-text scholarly journals. Also includes a number of evidence-based care sheets. Widely considered the premier nursing database in the industry.
Library Reference Desk
(563)-333-6245 /
Reference Contacts
Luke Beatty |
(563)-333-6241 |
Hannah Carlton |
(563)-333-6474 |
Olivia Davison |
(563)-333-6242 |
Stella Herzig |
(563)-333-6056 |
Onnica Marquez |
(563)-333-5868 |
Elizabeth Kunze Sanders |
(563)-333-6035 |
Corin Sowers Access & Systems Librarian |
(563)-333-5813 |
Alison Tollas |
(563)-333-6244 |