St. Ambrose of Milan, Letters from Tertulian.orgLetter 41: To his sister
The Letter of Pope Siricius to the church of Milan
Letter 42: The Council of Milan to Pope Siricius
Letter 43: To Horontianus
Letter 44: To Horontianus
Letter 45: To Sabinus
Letter 46: To Sabinus
Letter 47: To Sabinus
Letter 48: To Sabinus
Letter 49: To Sabinus
Letter 50: To Chromatius
This streaming video database contains over 38,000 streaming video titles and almost 300,000 video clips. The titles are educational in nature, but address a variety of subjects and topics.
This religious studies database from EBSCO includes 380 full-text scholarly journals and 2,500 indexed journals. Also includes the CATHOLIC PERIODICAL & LITERATURE INDEX, which includes essay collections, church documents, papal documents, and electronic resources addressing the practice and intellectual tradition of Roman Catholicism.
This interdisciplinary database contains over 2,800 full-text scholarly journals, 30,000 full-text eBooks, and 40,000 full-text research reports from various organizations and policy institutes. Beoved by many old-school professors in the humanities and social sciences.
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