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THEO 338 WI: Bible in modern political thought: Home

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Credo Online Reference Books

Recommended Books in the SAU Library collection

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Theology/Philosophy Research Librarian

The Librarian is available for individual help as well, as needed.

“Wonderful things in the Bible I see,
most of them put there by you and me.”


Atla Religion Database with AtlaSerials

other databases to try

Some examples of the variety of articles:

ProQuest Central suite of databases

Book subject searches in Library Central

Selected Scholarly Web Sites

Books for "Bible AND Politics"

Sign into Library Central for ordering the books below from our Partner Libraries

Examples of a politician and his use of the bible

Books by SAU Professor

SAU Reference Librarian

Profile Photo
Stella Herzig
Office: Library 124

Helpful Handouts

SAU Archive and Special Collections

The St. Ambrose University Archives holds many materials on the role that Peace and Social Justice has played in our SAU history.

Words by Pope Francis

"It makes me very happy to see you working together towards social justice! How I wish that such constructive energy would spread to all dioceses, because it builds bridges between peoples and individuals. These are bridges that can overcome the walls of exclusion, indifference, racism and intolerance."

~Pope Francis~

A note to users concerning database searching

If you are not an St. Ambrose University user, your local public library may have access to various databases that are subscription based. Call and ask your public library for details.