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Recommended Books in the SAU library collection

Finding Books and Articles in SAU Library Central

After clicking on the links below, try using the drop down to 'Books, Article and more' to increase the results to include journal articles OR trying clicking on the Partner Libraries tab above the search box to see collections at Iowa research libraries, from which SAU users can get books through Interlibrary Loan.

Jstor database

Philosopher's Index database

Web sites for Plato

A full text e-book (restricted to SAU users)

A note to users concerning database searching

If you are not an St. Ambrose University user, your local public library may have access to various databases that are subscription based. Call and ask your public library for details.

SAU Reference Librarian

Profile Photo
Stella Herzig
Office: Library 124

Need something we don't have here?

Have you found the perfect article but don't know if we subscribe to it? Here are some steps you can take.

1. We may have access to the journal in another database. In Library Central, you'll find the Journals A-Z List. From here, you can check a search by journal name and retrieve a comprehensive list of databases in which our journals appear.

2. Try searching for the title of the article in Google Scholar. Any research that makes use of taxpayer funding must be eventually released to the public--you might find an openly available copy of your article. 

3. Using Interlibrary Loan, the library can ask other libraries that subscribe to the journal to send an electronic copy of the article you want. Set up a free user account with your SAU network login to request articles and books. Interlibrary Loan is a service offered to SAU students, faculty & staff only.

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Reference Hours when classes are in session

Monday-Thursday, 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Friday, 7:45 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Saturday, No reference services; building open 1-5pm
Sunday, 1pm - 9:00 p.m.

Reference Desk 563/333-6245
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