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MOL: Master of Organizational Leadership: 716 Leadership Research Project

A guide for students enrolled in the SAU Master of Organizational Leadership Program


Research Paper Outline:  

Note: Final paper to be 30 to 50 pages


1. Introduction – 1 to 2 pgs., explain why leadership is important


2. Literature Review – 15 to 20 pgs., 15 to 25 references,  Students write about what they have learned about leadership in addition to what they have found in new research material from academically acceptable sources. Write 3 or 4 major headings and then subheads below that. Remember to quote and paraphrase material with citations in Literature Review and then add references to the citations in the References section.


3. Research Questions – 12 to 15 pgs., Write 3 to 5 major propositions while writing 4 to 5 pages discussing each proposition.


4. Conclusion – 3 to 5 pgs., tie everything to introduction and research topic (this is not to be written as a summary)


5. References – 2 to 3 pgs., list of references that support citations throughout paper


6. Abstract – 1 pg., overview of paper, similar to executive summary


Writing Tips:


1.To get started, just write! Reviewers will help edit

2. If you are not writing about a certain leadership topic as part of your research     questions, you do not write 3 pages on it. Focus on material that is helps answer your research question.


3.  Write in APA6 format and page numbers centered.

4. For Literature Review, read material with a purpose.

5. Do not write in first person.

6. Have 3 to 6 primary authors that you quote several times and 15 to 20 secondary authors that you may quote once.


7. Write with purpose and consistency.